Even though I'm not a mother, Woodrow made me breakfast today. He made me pancakes and eggs yesterday, and I think that was only the second time he'd ever made me breakfast. Today it was scrambled eggs, toast, bacon and coffee.
I told him that it was better than I would have done. Breakfast is not my thing, and it is always hit and miss when I make it.
I'm just a single divorced woman who has surrounded herself with animals, and enjoys the little things in life. Cooking, reading, movies and TV, outdoor adventures-- these are the little things that make up my own little Eden. This is where you can catch a glimpse into my Eden, where I find solace and peace from life's trials and tidalwaves, and the things that I love. Nothing but the good stuff (most of the time)!
Welcome to my Eden!
NOTE: I quit eating meat in April 2010, but my blog still has meat recipes I made before then. Now I'm a pescatarian: I only eat vegetarian, and fish and seafood.
UPDATE 7/19/15: I recently began eating meat again, but only meat purchased from a couple of well researched sources who pasture raise their animals and take care with the slaughtering of them, so that the animals are humanely raised and killed. One of these sources is US Wellness Meats. (However I'm basically a flexitarian. I rarely eat meat, but have added it back on occasion.)
♥ Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. ♥ ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Favorite Things
The latest addition- Roo
Canvas prints
I got four of these from Art.com
"Raising" butterflies
This portrait of Zook and Tiki, gifted to me by a friend
A divorced woman living in South Florida, I love animals, music, nature and entertainment. I am at times serious and thoughtful (more often than not), and at other times a goof ball. I am trying to find my path-- a path that I hope to follow with light footsteps.
Everything is copyrighted. Blah, blah, blah. You know the drill. Don't steal things that don't belong to you. However you are welcome to link to things in this blog. Just be sure to let people know where it came from.
The picture in the blog header was taken with a Canon Power Shot A590 at Cypress Slough 9/6/09.
That looks so good--- and it's 10PM here! What a nice thing to wake up to.
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