Sunday, January 4, 2009

What the heck is with that????

So I'm on the phone with Mom, and I sit on the bed while we talk. And during our phone conversation I look up and see this:

What the heck is with that????

Yep, you saw it right. That is a dead lizard hanging by one leg from the back of my entertainment center! What's up with that? It couldn't have been there too long. Surely I would have noticed it!

My other question is, "What the heck is attached to his tail?" Was he moulting? I didn't know the lizards down here moult! (I since read up and found out that they moult about once per month.)

What happened to it? I couldn't get a good view from the back.

I wondered if maybe it somehow got hung up on something, but when Woodrow went to take it off of the entertainment center, he barely touched it and it fell. So it couldn't have been snagged on anything.

Here's my theory: The lizard got into the house, the cats terrorized it and chased it under the bedroom door. Exhausted and stressed, it found its way up to the top of the entertainment center, maybe shaky and confused from stress, he slips off the entertainment center and catches himself by one leg, but in the process he has a heart-attack from the scare of falling. So, there I find him, hanging by one leg from the back of my entertainment center.

What?! You got a better theory?