Saturday, May 16, 2009

I Don't Do Perky!

This is one of my favorite shirts. It so fits me! I generally try to be optimistic. I'm a realist. I like to think of myself as an optimistic realist. I see the negative, but I try to focus on the positive. However I am not in anyway "perky" or bubbly. I tend toward a more serious mien. I have a dry and sarcastic and oft'times biting sense of humor. I'm really basically good-natured and warm-hearted once you get to know me, but can be socially awkward. Excuse my little faux pas.

Oh, and as a teen my nickname was Spunky. I'm spirited and fiery, and sometimes spunky.

But perky? I don't do perky!


Libby's Library said...

I'm not sure why...but this post had me laughing!

Tina Leavy said...

You are the Grand Prize Seed Winner on my blog. Stop by and contact me through my profile. I need your address to ship your large package of heirloom seeds to you.
Congratulations. ~Tina

Jeanne Oliver said...

I thought you were talking about a different was because of the funny! No one should really do perky in my opinion....

The Big Burbs said...

Perky is dorky if you ask me. ;)

Neabear said...

Too Funny!